BOARD bucket
BOARD bucket
We believe that board members must sense God’s call to serve on the board of directors. We invest time in cultivating, recruiting, orienting and engaging board members in their strategic role as stewards of our organization. The first step in organizational sustainability is to inspire board members to be highly committed and generous partners in ministry.
GOVERNANCE WEBINAR WITH MISSION INCREASE. On Nov. 16, 2022, John Pearson participated in a 59-minute webinar, "Making Your Board an Accelerator for Growth: Board member cultivation, recruitment, orientation and engagement." Hosted by Mission Increase's Tracy Nordyke, Tara Andersen and John Pearson discuss recruiting first-time board members, holy moments, and the "6 D's" of board member criteria. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEBINAR.
THE 4 SOCIAL STYLES IN THE BOARDROOM. View John's 10-minute presentation on YouTube: "The 4 Social Styles in the Boardroom" for Christian Management Australia (2020). Click here to download the 30-page PDF of the PowerPoint. Click here to download the 20-page PDF resource.
Read John Pearson's blog posts (2011-2020) on strategic governance topics including:
--Your CEO's Worst Mistake
--No Bad Board Meeting Is Too Short
--Why Do Board Members Micro-Manage?
--Click here for a helpful index to five series of governance blogs.
ECFA GOVERNANCE TOOLBOX SERIES - Click here to order today!
John Pearson was the project coordinator and writer for these toolboxes with short videos, board member viewing guides, and facilitator guides:
ECFA Governance Toolbox Series No. 1: Recruiting Board Members - Leveraging the 4 Phases of Board Recruitment: Cultivation, Recruitment, Orientation and Engagement
ECFA Governance Toolbox Series No. 2: Balancing Board Roles - Balancing the 3 Hats Every Board Member Must Wear: Governance, Volunteer and Participant
ECFA Governance Toolbox Series No. 3: Conflicts of Interest - Addressing Board and Organizational Conflicts of Interest—Avoiding Trouble, Trouble, Trouble With Related–Party Transactions
ECFA Governance Toolbox Series No. 4: Succession Planning - Eleven Principles for Successful Successions: "Every CEO Is an Interim CEO"
WORKSHEET #14.1: Confidential Board Prospect List. Recruit board members with prayerful intentionality and board-approved criteria. Read Chapter 14 and then download this "Prospect Prayer List" as you "date" board prospects and bring them inside the circles of involvement (see page 194).
BOARD RESOURCES. Check out ECFA and BoardSource for a vast array of board templates, resources and eNewsletters to inspire and motivate your board.
ECFA GOVERNANCE SURVEYS. Compare your board's best practices with the latest governance surveys from ECFA. Click here.
GOVERNANCE BOOKS BY DAN BUSBY AND JOHN PEARSON. Order these books from Amazon and check out the blogs by guest bloggers (40 bloggers per book):
Lessons From the Nonprofit Boardroom: 40 Insights for Better Board Meetings (Second Edition), by Dan Busby and John Pearson - Order from Amazon
More Lessons From the Nonprofit Boardroom: Effectiveness, Excellence, Elephants! by Dan Busby and John Pearson - Order from Amazon
Lessons From the Church Boardroom: 40 Insights
or Exceptional Governance,
by Dan Busby and John Pearson
Order from Amazon
ECFA Tools and Templates for Effective
Board Governance: Time-Saving Solutions
for Your Board, by Dan Busby and John Pearson
Order from Amazon
DELEGATE YOUR READING! Ask team members to select a book from this bucket and share a book review at your next staff meeting. See the Book Bucket for more ideas on why "Leaders Are Readers." For a complete list of books from this bucket, visit the Book Bucket and download List #1 (with books reviewed through Dec. 31 of last year).