DONOR bucket
donor bucket
We believe that extravagant generosity is the biblical norm, not the exception. We challenge donors to give liberally to kingdom causes. We urge prayerful giving to God’s work, not for tax benefits nor budget needs. We scrutinize our methodologies not against what works, but against God-honoring principles.
REFLECT: Martin Luther said, "People go through three conversions: The conversion of their head, their heart and their pocketbook. Unfortunately, not all at the same time." Click here to read John's review of Revolution in Generosity: Transforming Stewards to Be Rich Toward God, by Wes Willmer, general editor.
CHECK OUT: If you are a nonprofit leader, manager, volunteer or board member, see pages 163-66 for the organizations, books and resources that will help you think and act in more God-honoring ways in the Donor Bucket. This chapter will also inspire you in your own stewardship journey as a donor. Visit these websites:
READ: The Donor Bucket chapter lists 14 helpful books and resources. Here are four to get you started:
40 Day Spiritual Journey to a More Generous Life (Brian Kluth)
Development 101 (R. Scott Rodin and John Frank)
Ignite Your Generosity: A 21-Day Experience in Stewardship (Chris McDaniel)
Joy Giving: Practical Wisdom from the First Christians and the Global Church (Cameron Doolittle)
DELEGATE YOUR READING! Ask team members to select a book from this bucket and share a book review at your next staff meeting. See the Book Bucket for more ideas on why "Leaders Are Readers." For a complete list of books from this bucket, visit the Book Bucket and download List #1 (with books reviewed through Dec. 31 of last year).